Thursday, July 2, 2020

Facebook is a Job Search Platform

Facebook is a Job Search Platform ping han I spend a lot of time driving on the highway, particularly on the Gardiner Expressway westbound heading out of Toronto. As I glance at the billboards lining the side of the road, I see the Facebook logo prominently displayed on them all, and Twitter on most. Very rarely do I see LinkedIn or Google+ logos. That tells me where the majority of corporations are now placing an emphasis on advertising themselves. As a social media career strategist, I review how the various platforms are changing over time and how these sites can benefit my clients, either in career transition or sensibly managing their career. What I see is that Facebook is transitioning into a business site. Dont ignore this fact. You are a product. You are a business. Facebook is one of the platforms that allows you, just like those corporations, to advertise yourself. Many people view Facebook as a purely personal social site. Contrary to these opinions, Facebook is a viable platform for you to relay a message about your career or job search. Here are four ways to make Facebook work for you: Be keyword-savvy. All social media sites rely on keywords to help people wade through the busy message streams, so when writing your Facebook profile, make sure to include some of the buzzwords or keywords that are specific to you and your career. Be careful in your content. Keep it aligned with your personal brand, keep it succinct, keep it enticing, and keep it memorable. Avoid or cover up your digital dirt. Be where the hiring influencers are. Just like LinkedIn, Facebook allows you to follow companies and participate in many groups. Take advantage of these options! Engaging in dialogue about your industry can boost your credibility and enhance your brand and job search. Be a trusted resource. Market yourself as an expert by sharing blog posts, articles, and other web-based media with your peers and other interested parties. This boosts your stature as someone who has a deep understanding of their industry and career. If youve stayed away from Facebook or think its just for friends and family, take another look at what it can do for your job search. Just ask some of my clients who, despite their skepticism, have embraced Facebook as a platform to generate awareness, which has led to interviews at the highest levels.

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